Why Iasi is a wise choice to develop your digital product

Developing your digital product in the land of the seven hills

You might have heard of a mystique place that breaks the barriers of time and space, where birds sing and programmers code, where the linden tree blossom and companies grow, where culture and technology blend, and the IT & Outsourcing Software Development Industry expands.

Where is it, might you ask?

As the wise whisper and the rumor spreads, this place is situated in the north-east part of Romania, and it’s known by the name of Iasi, the city of the seven hills. With significant importance in the development of the country, home of multiple historical events, great Romanian rulers, writers, painters, scientists, and poets, the town of the first school of engineers (1814) and of the first University in the whole country, Iasi represents one of the most important and successful city in terms of education and economy.

And what do you mean by “the IT & Outsourcing Industry expands”?

According to A.T Kearney research, Romania is ranked in the 13th place, in the world, in the hierarchy of attractiveness as a venue for outsourcing, taking into account factors like financial attractiveness, business environment, people skills, and availability. And let’s take a look at Iasi: in 2013, the number of specialists that worked in the IT & Outsourcing industry barely reached 6 000, while in 2017, the number exceeded 15 000, with over 2 000 graduates that join them each year.

Playing a major role of attractiveness due to its specialists, lots of office spaces, frequent flights to Western Europe, and high-speed internet, Iasi has become a valuable option for tech multinationals like Amazon, Oracle, Accenture, and software outsourcing companies like Ness, Centric, Fortech, Cegeka.

But don’t think that only giants have a place here. Awesome start-ups founded by Iasi entrepreneurs are being fostered and encouraged to flourish, like Optymous – An app generator, Monitor Backlinks – Tool for SEOs and Web Marketers, ThinkOut – Tool for Cash Flow Control, Disciplined Entrepreneurship Toolbox – a set of tools and checklists that will help you to build a startup and others.

This city is a great place to grow, and as a consequence, over 800 IT and Outsourcing companies perform their daily tasks in the county.

An important role in the prosperity of this Industry has the community organization of IT & tech lovers, which promotes the passion for learning and growing within this industry, with multiple conferences, workshops, collaborative hubs, learning events, and the Informal school of IT. Some of the companies have developed their own learning programs based on internships, like Digitalya Academy.

But how is all this possible?

Nowadays, Iasi never sleeps. With students, business people, and tourists that walk its streets daily, the city is like a hive of talents, culture, business, education, tourism, and entrepreneurship. Over 55k students are part of the University Education and contribute to the development of the city, making Iasi their second home. Two of the Universities, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi and “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, have faculties that present interest in the IT industry, like The Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering and The Faculty of Computer Science.

An active cultural life is animated, within the city, with music, arts, and educational festivals. Tourism is promoted with different thematic routes, restored buildings, and monuments. Entrepreneurship is encouraged with business incubators, creative hubs, and co-working spaces, and community involvement is raised with multiple CSR initiatives.

Iasi is a great city to live in and develop your product. Passionate people work together to create a place where every business idea is possible.

If you’re curious to find out more about us you can check our home page or take a look at our profile on Designrush.

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Marketer by day, reader and painter by night, Madalina likes to cast a creativity spell on everything she does. Analytical and results-oriented she brought her alchemy into the world of tech.


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