Speed up content publishing with Magnolia CMS

A powerful yet user-friendly solution to manage and deliver accurate pharma content across all your channels.

Benefits of using Magnolia CMS to power all your digital experiences

By using Magnolia CMS, you can unify your web content, HCP and patient data, and legacy tech to deliver efficient, compliant, and effective digital experiences.


Compliance-focused content management

With the Magnolia/Veeva Vault PromoMats integration, you get referencing capabilities, claims management with automatic claims linking, and a reference library to ensure content accuracy and compliance whenever content changes.


Faster time to market

Leverage compliant, reusable modules and pre-approved text, images, and claims to build campaigns, websites, and portals faster. Plus, streamlined workflows ensure a smoother MLR review process, getting your content to market quicker.


Effortless HCP & patient engagement

Drive higher HCP engagement and deliver the research data, medical event access, and KOL information to help them provide better patient care. Simultaneously, you can offer accessible content to patients to increase clinical trial participation and medication adherence.


Full integration with existing systems

Connect any data source, application, or channel and simplify how you create, adapt, and scale digital experiences across every territory, brand, site, and channel. Easily integrate your DAM, CDP, CRM, and analytics into your central DXP.

We are official Magnolia Partners

Instant features that you get by choosing Magnolia CMS

Enable content to become unique digital experiences and facilitate easy content creation, management, distribution, and digital asset management.

User-friendly content editing interface

Streamline digital content delivery with an intuitive editor allowing content tags, in-line editing, drag-and-drop components, and omnichannel preview on a standard website or a headless web app.

Edit Page with Magnolia CMS
Content Management Magnolia CMS

Multi-channel content delivery

Craft experiences across your digital channels instead of just entering content. Content and marketing teams can edit and preview all layout and content types in-context, and deliver them across websites, mobile apps, and HPC portals.

Content access control & collaboration features

Easily write, publish, and reuse content while collaborating with cross-functional teams to ensure accuracy and compliance. Plus, develop and maintain portals and design digital experiences for HCPs and patients without IT's help.

Content Access Features Magnolia CMS
Audience Segmentation Magnolia CMS

Advanced personalization tools

Boost sign-ups, conversions, and user satisfaction with personalized digital experiences. Optimize and customize your content, CTAs, and visuals to your audience and check their performance directly in Magnolia.

What we can help you build with Magnolia CMS

Quickly deliver digital experiences to patients and HCPs, consolidate brand websites under a single CMS platform, and scale compliant modular content globally.

Personalized HCP Portals

Build, update, and personalize HCP portals to your audience's specific needs. Easily offer access to a content hub with research and clinical trial papers, virtual or offline events, medical inquiry support, and more.

User-friendly Patient Portals

Deliver personalized digital health portals for patients to provide medical information, educational resources, and a sense of community so that they can better manage their diseases and connect with others.

Consolidated Brand Websites

Bring all your websites and pages to Magnolia to scale digital experiences across regions, brands, and sites. Lower the cost and time needed to manage and maintain your digital assests by using a single interface.

Case Study

HCP Portal for oncology healthcare professionals

HCP Portal that provides information and enhances engagement with oncology healthcare professionals.


Page performance


Years collaboration


Team members


Why you should choose us as your partner

Get a head start with an already experienced agency in implementing and customizing the Magnolia content management system for top worldwide pharmaceutical companies.

Fast delivery within budget

You’ll get the websites, portals, or web applications in record time and within budget. Your needs are a priority, and we always deliver on our promises.

Proven pharma expertise

You will benefit from working with an experienced team that understands the pharma industry's challenges and has proven Magnolia experience.

Flexibility guaranteed

Move fast and be ahead of the competition. Our team is ready to adjust and adapt to your changing needs and goals.

Ready to start your project?

Trust the word of our customers

Browse success stories from past pharma customers who built digital solutions with us. Convince yourself of our Magnolia CMS development skills.

Work with a pharma recognized expert

Our customers and industry-leading review platforms consistently praise our team's custom enterprise CMS development skills and dedication to each software project.

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Let us help you streamline pharma content creation and publishing

Share what you want to achieve, and our team will help you get there.


We hope the information below will give you a better view upon the services that we provide.

A Headless CMS (Content Management System) separates the content creation and management interface (backend) from the presentation layer (that requires frontend development) that delivers the content.

In simpler terms, content creators can focus on building and editing content in Magnolia, while developers have the flexibility to deliver that content through any device or platform (website, mobile app, HCP portal, etc.)

This offers several benefits for pharma companies:

  • Omnichannel Content Delivery: Seamlessly deliver consistent, compliant content across all your channels – websites, mobile apps, HCP and patient portals, and more.
  • Agility and Flexibility: Make changes to your content in one place and see them reflected everywhere, allowing for faster updates and campaign rollouts.
  • Improved Developer Experience: Developers can focus on building engaging user interfaces without worrying about the intricacies of content management.
  • Future-Proof Technology: A Headless CMS is not tied to any specific frontend technology, so you can quickly adapt to new platforms and devices in the future.
  • Enhanced Security: By separating content from presentation, Magnolia Headless CMS can improve security by centralizing healthcare information.

Overall, a Headless CMS empowers pharma companies to streamline content management, deliver a consistent brand experience across channels, and be more responsive to the evolving needs of the digital healthcare landscape.

While many CMS solutions cater to pharma companies, Magnolia Headless CMS offers some distinct advantages:

Compliance-focused: Magnolia prioritizes compliance with features like version control, audit trails, and seamless integration with Veeva Vault PromoMats for managing claims and references. This ensures content accuracy and simplifies the MLR review process, which is crucial for pharma marketing.

Headless Architecture: Unlike traditional CMS, which limit presentation options, Magnolia’s headless approach allows for ultimate flexibility. It delivers rich content experiences across any platform (websites, mobile apps, HCP portals) without being restricted by a pre-defined frontend.

User-friendly Interface: Magnolia offers a user-friendly interface that empowers non-technical content creators to build, edit, and manage content. This streamlines content creation workflows and reduces reliance on developers for minor updates.

Focus on Modular Content: Magnolia excels at building reusable content modules. This allows pharma companies to create compliant, pre-approved building blocks for campaigns, websites, and portals. This approach saves time, ensures consistency, and facilitates faster content rollouts.

Security and Scalability: Magnolia prioritizes security with robust features to protect sensitive healthcare data. Additionally, its scalable architecture can adapt to the growing content needs of large pharma organizations.

In summary, while other CMS solutions may offer basic content management, Magnolia goes beyond. It provides a future-proof, secure, and compliance-focused platform specifically designed to meet the evolving needs of pharma companies in the digital age.

Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to the cost of implementing Magnolia Headless CMS for pharma companies. The final price depends on several factors:

  • Project Scope: The complexity of your project significantly impacts cost. A simple website implementation will require less investment than a large-scale rollout across multiple channels (website, mobile app, HCP portal).
  • Customization Needs: The level of customization needed for your specific workflows and integrations will also influence cost. Out-of-the-box features might suffice for basic needs, while extensive customization will require additional development resources.

While specific costs are challenging to pinpoint, the investment can be justified with the long-term benefits of increased content efficiency, improved compliance, and a future-proof, scalable platform for managing pharma content across all channels. Contact us to estimate the project timeline and budget.

Magnolia is built with the pharmaceutical and biotech industry in mind, which means it ensures proper compliance with all necessary regulations. Learn more about how they tailor to the pharmaceutical industry and go through their certifications.

Yes, Magnolia has many integrations available to your marketing, content, and innovation teams. You can find a full list here. The way it’s built also allows us, custom software development agencies, to integrate Magnolia into other tools, infrastructure, and tech needs specific to your organization.

Here’s how Magnolia facilitates integration:

  • Open APIs: Magnolia offers open APIs that allow us, developers, to connect it with various marketing automation tools and digital asset management tools. This provides flexibility and ensures compatibility with a wide range of platforms. Read more about it here.
  • Connector Packs: Magnolia also offers pre-built connector packs (e.g., DAM connector) for popular marketing automation tools, simplifying the integration process for developers. Read more about them in the Magnolia documentation.

The content editing experience offered by Magnolia allows for effortless page creation for everyone:

  • Visual Editing Made Easy: Magnolia’s content management system and page editor empowers content creators with a drag-and-drop interface. With it, you can build web content and customize website pages visually without writing code.
  • Reusable Building Blocks: Select pre-designed components and templates to ensure a consistent brand experience across your website. This streamlines custom content creation and saves development time. Leverage content tags for easy content discoverability and reuse content to move fast.
  • See it Before You Publish: The WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor provides a real-time preview of your page on different channels, ensuring a flawless user experience, no matter the content types.

Developers get advantages as well:

  • Composable Content Freedom: Magnolia CMS development teams can create custom content elements and page layouts. This empowers content creators with even greater flexibility while maintaining brand consistency.
  • Headless Support: Magnolia goes beyond traditional CMS. The Visual SPA Editor caters to headless deployments using frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js. Non-technical users can manage content and layouts for modern Single-Page Apps (SPAs) and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs).

You can learn more about it by reading the Magnolia documentation article.

Yes, absolutely! Magnolia is a robust CMS platform with tools for managing and approving content workflows, which is crucial for pharma companies to ensure accuracy and compliance.

Here’s how Magnolia’s enterprise CMS features streamline your content approval process:

  • Workflow Management Engine: Define custom workflows with multiple stages and approval steps. This ensures content goes through the proper channels for review (e.g., legal, regulatory, marketing) before publication.
  • Role-based Permissions: Assign specific roles and permissions to users. This ensures that only authorized personnel can create, edit, and approve content relevant to their area of expertise.
  • Version Control and Audit Trails: Track all changes made to content pieces. This provides a clear audit history and allows you to revert to previous versions if necessary.
  • Automated Notifications: Automatically notify relevant users when content requires their review or approval. This keeps everyone informed and streamlines the process.
  • Task Management: Assign tasks and track their completion within the workflow. This ensures accountability and keeps the content approval process moving forward efficiently.

Overall, Magnolia’s content workflow tools provide pharma companies with the control and visibility needed to ensure accurate, compliant content reaches audiences on time.

Yes, Magnolia excels at supporting the needs of a global audience with multi-language content.

Here’s how it empowers pharma companies to deliver localized content effectively:

  • Multi-language Content Storage: Magnolia offers three main approaches for storing multilingual content:
    • Single Tree: Store all language versions of a content piece within a single JCR node. This simplifies management but requires careful organization for complex content hub structures.
    • Multiple Trees: Create separate content trees for each language. This offers better organization for large amounts of content but requires managing multiple trees.
    • Mixed Trees: This structure is a mix where one tree is multilingual, and others are monolingual.
  • Content Delivery: Magnolia delivers the appropriate language version based on different data sources such as user location or browser settings. This ensures your audience sees content in their preferred language.
  • Language Switcher: Offer users an easy way to switch between languages on your website or app.

Certainly, we offer continuous maintenance and support to guarantee ongoing functionality, excellent user experience, and alignment with your requirements. We designed our software solutions support plans to accommodate your needs and budget constraints.