We tackle each project with passion, expertise and cutting edge technologies, in order to offer the best digital solutions for our partners.

Achieving optimal patient outcomes hinges on one crucial factor — medication adherence. Patients taking their medication as prescribed experience better health, reduced complications, and lower healthcare costs. However, medication non-adherence remains a significant challenge,..

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13 minutes read

13 minutes read

The pharmaceutical industry thrives on patient engagement, which isn't just a buzzword—it's a fundamental aspect that can improve patients' medical treatments and, consequently, the relationships between patients and the health system on the one..

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11 minutes read

11 minutes read

Enter the era of big data in pharma. With the advent of sophisticated data analytics and software tools, the pharma industry can now unlock critical insights from vast datasets. This capability not only accelerates..

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13 minutes read

13 minutes read

In the pharmaceutical industry, keeping up with regulations, managing diverse content needs, and ensuring quality can be a constant battle. This often leads to siloed content management, redundancies, and wasted time. However, modular content..

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10 minutes read

10 minutes read

The healthcare landscape is rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements. Pharma companion apps are at the forefront of this transformation, offering a personalized and accessible platform for patients to manage their health. But what..

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12 minutes read

12 minutes read

In the pharma industry, achieving optimal outcomes hinges on one crucial factor: patient adherence. Unfortunately, poor medication adherence is an extensive challenge, leading to compromised treatment effectiveness and soaring healthcare costs. This translates to..

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14 minutes read

14 minutes read