The story of starting a business or how Digitalya was born

Ever wondered how did Digitalya came to be? Here's our story.

Story of Digitalya

Once upon a time, in a city loaded with cultural history and shared between tech lovers known by the name of Iasi, three brave freelancers decided to take an enormous challenge and build a complex digital product that would reshape the way call centers operate. This dream for the year 2014 was huge.

What did they have?

Previous technical experience in developing digital products and a major Italian-based company that believed in their dream. Driven by the idea that a complex project can not be done by a single person but by a team of people, they decided to build the foundation of a new company. The partnership that they developed with the Italian company gave them hope that their product would become global and, as a symbol of honor for this cooperation, the company would be called Digitalya (Digital Italy).

The rumor that a new kingdom was soon to be born spread fast, and passionate people joined them in their quest to conquer the digital world. Sleepless nights, tight milestones, webrtc experimental status, REST APIs, and unquestionable design patterns could not stand in their way because the code was written by heart. And soon, code line after code line, Digitalya won its place among the trustworthy digital companies.

Today the digital conquerors from Digitalya developed numerous projects on 6 different industries using the latest technologies. And the most exciting news? In the future, two new kingdoms will take shape in Switzerland and Netherlands.

How did the kingdom spread so fast?

Thanks to clients that think outside of the box and have ideas that reshape the world. In their vision, clients are partners in building the ground of a new tech world. Only within a partnership you can reach the best outcome.

What is their motivation to do a great job?

They love it when their partner’s digital product becomes successful. Having users that enjoy and benefit from the usage of a product is rewarding and fulfilling. It feels like their effort is meaningful.

Each day they write another page in the story of Digitalya with more characters working together and more complex problems being solved.

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Marketer by day, reader and painter by night, Madalina likes to cast a creativity spell on everything she does. Analytical and results-oriented she brought her alchemy into the world of tech.

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