Here you will find articles about the company, its culture and employees – How’s life at Digitalya and why should you join?

The beating heart of any successful company is its people. At Digitalya, we believe in fostering an environment where talented individuals can not only excel, but truly thrive. But you don’t have to take our..

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9 minutes read

9 minutes read

Learn about how are we making a dent in the universe and why we are passionate about working in the healthcare and pharma industries...

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6 minutes read

6 minutes read

Learn the necessary ingredients that help in building a healthy company culture that encourages healthy behaviors and creates team bonds...

11 minutes read

11 minutes read

There are a few elements that make up our unique culture. Read all about our employee value proposition...

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8 minutes read

8 minutes read

Read about what it means to work at Digitalya as a Sales Representative and why I love it here...

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7 minutes read

7 minutes read

Curious what's it like to be a Project Manager at Digitalya and how they approach each project? Read on to learn more...

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14 minutes read

14 minutes read