Web development paid internship [Closed]

Are you looking to new opportunities? You might be a good fit for us. Read the job description below and send us your resume.

What are your goals for this spring?
How about improving your Web Development skills, with Digitalya?

When you hear people talking about web development your heart suddenly beats faster and you React with a smile? How about a spring internship to see if this is truly your passion?

At Digitalya Academy you will have the chance to learn Web Development while working, together with a team, on real projects. From HTML5 to CSS, Angular.JS, React, Ruby from web to mobile, there is not a challenge that will stand in your way.

So what should you do first? Check out the requirements:

Your key role and mission:

  • Bringing web applications to life

About you and your passions:

  • Creative and tech-savvy
  • Emphatic towards the user’s needs, passionate about design best practices and curious about the mix between those two
  • Fluent written and spoken English language skills
  • Knowledge of HTML5, CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap. Cool to know Angular.JS, WebPack, React, Ruby
  • Open-minded and eager to work with other people
  • Cool to have relevant personal projects

What will you learn:

  • How to use advanced frameworks and bring concepts to life with HTML5, CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap, Angular.JS, WebPack, React, Ruby
  • How to create tools that enhance how users see and interact with websites in any browser
  • How to implement responsive design for mobile website
  • How to work with agile principles for designing and building web apps
  • How to use versioning systems (git)


  • Opportunity of becoming our colleague for long-term
  • Free to choose whether you want to work part-time or full-time
  • The internship will be paid
  • You will have permanent support for personal and professional growth
  • You will play with the latest generation of technical equipment
  • You will work on cool projects with a young and awesome team
  • Together we will have extra fun (social activities, Ping-Pong table in the office, team buildings, board-games and a lot of other stuff)

Some things about us:
We passionately create digital products for clients all over the world. We value trust and autonomy and always keep an open mind for new solutions. We encourage people to share their thoughts and speak their mind freely. We are tech lovers that like be up to date with the new trends.

Are you motivated to apply? Awesome.
Fill out the form below by the 27th of February.

We are eager to meet you :).

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New resource:
Get a list of key portal features that add real value and offer exceptional experiences to HCPs.

Ready to start your web project?

Marketer by day, reader and painter by night, Madalina likes to cast a creativity spell on everything she does. Analytical and results-oriented she brought her alchemy into the world of tech.


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